Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Moo Pahi!!!!!!!

Moo pie and Elena are gone.....*WAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!* :'(
Not that I'm sad or anything....:'( ::::::(
Lots of wet kisses all around...

turns out eleny's dating girls 2, which made me smeil so big my jaw cracked. OW.

I'm sparkly!!! I smell good!!!

Edward+Bella+Fang+Max=Lots of fun, I replied to ur comment!!!


EGoldstein said...

Sparkly Tizzy!!!!! Yay!!!!

Agent Riot said...

LOL I looked soooo much like a vampire that I giggled (very un vampiraclly) for the rest of the day.

EGoldstein said...

Niiice. You're totally the Queen of smoothness.....