Sunday, May 17, 2009

The pathetic thing is
I have no reason to be in love, yet I am.
The pathetic thing is
I'm an activist for what I know is wrong.
The pathetic thing is
my family can never share my loves.
The pathetic thing is
I'm sure they'd rather I be pregnant.
The pathetic thing is
I am selfish and go instantly for what I want.
The pathetic things is
I pay no attention to the fact I hurt people on the way.
The pathetic thing is
I fish for attention and praise because I'm sure no one would give me any otherwise.
The pathetic thing is
I speak too much.
The pathetic thing is
I say I don't care, but three digits on a scale mean more to me than my next meal.
The pathetic thing is
I swallow pills to make me happy and still feel sad.
The pathetic thing is
I know my friends would find my life dull, so I make up exciting bits.
The pathetic thing is
I can't remember which lies I've told who.
The pathetic thing is
I only tell my most embarassing things, never the important ones.
The pathetic thing is
I always talk about myself, even when I don't mean to.
The pathetic thing is
I no longer care about school, I'm sure I'll just waste my money on Zoloft and Steam games.
The pathetic thing is
I can't manage relationships and dictate my friend's.
The pathetic thing is
NOT Andrea.

1 comment:

Cracked Mirror said...

You are not pathetic.
You are who you are, whatever and whoever that might be--and I love you for that.