Saturday, June 28, 2008


Now I;'m dizzy and sick. This sucks. Its like my head hurts and my arms hurt and i'm dizzy and blergh. Note to self: no more blood.

I got 2 henna tattos! One says "I reject your reality and substitute my own..." and the other one says 'quack, damn you!" with a duck under it :P


Hello, I'm Bored. said...

wwwooooowwww.... QUACK!! :D

EGoldstein said...

Lol.... blood never does that to me.... weird

Agent Riot said...

but do you DRINK it? like, 4 oz of it?

EGoldstein said...

never that much, but....

Mousey said...

oh i've never had THAT much... just a taste.. yes me and my friends are weird...