Tuesday, November 25, 2008

This Is Not Very Good

I've been sitting in the exact same spot, surfing the web, for four days. And I'm not bored yet.
Is something horribly, horribly wrong with me? Help! I don;t want to waste my whole Thanksgiving sitting on my expanding ass looking at weird stuff on the web!
Give me something productive to dooooooo!!

I already cleaned my room, organized my backpack, went to the gym twice, took a bath, watched Battlestar Galactica, hung out with my cousins, found a great video/song, and wrapped presents.

I still need to practise my guitar, though.

What should I do to be productive?!


Hello, I'm Bored. said...

Wait, you have a guitar???
OH!!! What kind?? electric or acoustic??

Agent Riot said...


Hello, I'm Bored. said...



Mousey said...

hey your baby looks slightly less mutant-alien and more human! when are you due?

and i'm talking about the blog thingy.... sorry that was more for self-clarification. call me or i'll be forced to come after you with a spork!